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Owner: 0xb9Fe...55cc
(161 domains on Namefi)
Expires on
link TLD
4 letters
Pure Number
10k Club is valuable because the number sequence "2552" might represent a significant date, code, or area-specific relevance, thus lending the domain uniqueness. The ".link" TLD suggests connectivity, making it ideal for tech companies, social networks, or collaborative platforms. Together, "" could symbolize a gateway to specialized content or a commemorative site, enhancing its appeal and potential market value to specific buyers or industries.
Powered by Namefi AI™ (beta), could be inaccurate, not financial/trade advice. DYOR.

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Detail appraisal report

Table of Contents

  1. Key Factors Considered

    • Domain Length
    • Keyword Relevance
    • TLD (Top-Level Domain)
    • Brandability
    • Market Demand
    • SEO Potential
  2. Estimated Value

  3. Recommendations

    • Market Positioning
    • Potential Buyers
    • Sales Strategy
  4. Conclusion

Key Factors Considered

Domain Length

The domain '' consists of 8 characters, including the TLD. It is considered short and relatively easy to remember.

Keyword Relevance

The numeric sequence '2552' does not have any immediate relevance to common keywords or phrases. It could, however, have specific significance in certain niche markets or industries (e.g., a product ID, a lucky number in some cultures).

TLD (Top-Level Domain)

The TLD '.link' is relatively new and is mainly used for sites that want to highlight connections or resources. It is not as universally recognized as '.com', but it can be effective for specific use cases like link shorteners or directories.


Brandability of '' is relatively low due to its numeric nature, which makes it more challenging to create a memorable brand around it. However, in specific contexts, such as technology or special numeric significances, it could be more brandable.

Market Demand

Market demand for numeric domains is generally lower than for keyword-rich domains, but there is a niche market for memorable or significant numeric sequences.

SEO Potential

The SEO potential of '' is limited given the lack of keyword relevance. However, if marketed appropriately, it can still achieve good SEO performance within a niche.

Estimated Value

Considering the factors above, the estimated value of this domain is in the range of:

  • Lower range: $50
  • Upper range: $500


Market Positioning

Position '' as a specific-use domain in niches where numeric sequences are significant, such as technology, directories, or unique product IDs.

Potential Buyers

Potential buyers could include tech companies, startups focusing on unique identifiers or directories, and organizations in numerology-focused cultures.

Sales Strategy

Use domain marketplaces like Sedo, Flippa, and GoDaddy Auctions. Highlight the unique numeric sequence and the potential for brand identity in niche markets.


'' is a numeric domain with limited but specific potential market uses. Its value is estimated to be between $50 and $500, depending on the specific use case and buyer interest.

Powered by Namefi AI™ (beta), could be inaccurate, not financial/trade advice. DYOR.